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General Meeting, March 20, 2021 via ZOOM

posted in: General Meetings

General Meeting Announcement for Hill Country Archeological Association. A Joint Zoom Meeting with the Houston Archeological Society, on March 20, 2021

Date/Time: Saturday, March 20, 2021, 1:00 pm. Zoom “doors open” at 12:30 pm

Presentation Title: The Lone Oak Site: A 12,000 Year Occupation in Northern Colorado County, Texas.

Speaker: Wilson “Dub” Crook


In early 2019, Houston Archeological Society (HAS) member Mr. Stan Theut of Columbus, Texas, notified the Board of Directors that he owned several properties in northern Colorado County which contained both prehistoric as well as historic sites. He invited the HAS to come and visit his properties and assess if any contained sites that might warrant excavation by the society. A visit to the area indicated that the Lone Oak site had the best potential for excavating undisturbed stratigraphy. A total of 37 shovel tests and 4-one x one meter units were excavated in 2019 (Phase I). The results indicated a large Late Archaic occupation with a smaller Late Prehistoric habitation near the surface.

After reviewing all the artifacts recovered in 2019, an extensive walking survey of the entire Lone Oak property was conducted in March, 2020. This survey indicated two areas of interest on the northwest and northeastern parts of the site. From late April through September, a total of 18 shovel tests and 14 units were excavated in these two areas (Phase II). On the northwest side of the site, a small Dalton occupation was recovered as well as evidence of Late Paleoindian (Angostura) and Early Archaic (Hoxie, Early Triangular, Clear Fork tools). In the northeast side of the site, an extensive Toyah occupation was found including every component of the Toyah toolkit except ceramics. More recently, the HAS focused on a limited area in the southern part of the site (Phase III). In this area, a lithics workshop was identified including evidence for both the manufacture and repair of lithic tools. Two St. Mary’s Hall points and an Angostura point were found in the excavations.

In his presentation, Mr. Crook will review the highlights of all the work to date including specific activity areas as identified by the excavated artifacts. A complete report covering the first two phases of excavation will be published by the HAS shortly and is available to all society members as part of their membership. Non-members will be able to purchase the report on Amazon once it is published.


Dub Crook is a Life Member (Fellow) of the Houston Archeological Society, a Life Member of the Dallas Archeological Society, a member of the Texas Archeological Society, a member of the Center for the Study of the First Americans, a Life Member of the Gault School of Archeological Research, a Research Fellow with the Texas Archeological Research Laboratory in Austin, and a Fellow of the Leakey Foundation. He is also an Archeological Steward for the State of Texas. He is the author of over 180 papers in the field of archeology and has recently published his fourth book titled The Carrollton Phase Archaic: A Redefinition of the Chronology, Composition, and Aerial Distribution of the Early Archaic Horizon along the Trinity River, Texas.

Wilson “Dub” Crook in Africa


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