Home » General Meetings » General Meeting: TAS Field School, 2021: A Report by HCAA Participants – July 17, 2021

General Meeting: TAS Field School, 2021: A Report by HCAA Participants – July 17, 2021

posted in: General Meetings

HCAA will have a LIVE-Onsite General Meeting on Saturday, July 17, 2021

Location: Union Church, 107 Travis St, Kerrville 78028

Doors open at 12 noon, Program begins at 1pm.

The presentation will be “TAS Field School, 2021: A Report by HCAA Participants.” After a year hiatus, the annual Texas Archeological Society Field School returned in full force in June, 2021.

With excavations and research projects located throughout Kerr County, the event was a huge success.
The event drew more than 360 participants from all over Texas and several other states. This included over 250 avocationals, 25 professional archeologists, over 30 college students, and a youth group of over 35 elementary and middle school students.

Research projects included prehistoric and historic excavations, a three-day Cemetery Workshop, expert laboratory analysis, and field surveys on numerous ranches in Kerr County. We enjoyed social gatherings every evening with great food, educational programs, dancing with a live band, and other unique entertainers.

HCAA members were key participants in helping prepare for the event, as well as serving as organizers, crew chiefs, surveyors, and excavators.

HCAA Board members Terry Farley – Vice President, Francoise Wilson – Board Director, and Mike McBride – President will present a program reporting on all the exciting events of the Field School.

This will be fun, see your there! Your board of directors!

Note: Masks are optional, bring your own snacks, seating will be safely spaced, and bottled water will be provided.

Union Church Location Map