The HCAA is a group of avocational and professional archeologists working together to study and preserve the Texas Hill Country’s prehistoric and historical heritage and to educate the public about archeology.
The task of HCAA is to survey and record details about archeologically significant sites before they are lost due to collecting, erosion, and the rapidly increasing development of the Texas Hill Country. To accomplish this, we cultivate public interest in the history and prehistory of this era.
The Mission of Hill Country Archeological Association (HCAA) shall be to bring together persons with an active interest in preserving the archeology, prehistoric and historic heritage of the Hill Country of Texas in an atmosphere conducive to the exchange of information and ideas.
- To educate the public about archeological preservation;
- To promote scientific archeological investigation and documentation;
- To preserve the archeological materials and records of the region; and
- To interpret and publish data discovered in these activities.
By joining HCAA, each member agrees that he or she:
- will not intentionally violate the terms and conditions of any existing or future Federal or Texas Antiquities Laws,
- will not buy or sell artifacts for commercial purposes,
- will not willfully destroy or distort archeological data or disregard proper archeological field techniques,
- agrees that all information, records, photographs, artifacts, and locational data developed as part of the HCA’s and individual member archeological activities are confidential and protected by this agreement,
- will not divulge, relay, or transfer by any means any archeological or landowner information without the HCAA Board’s and landowner’s prior consent,
- understand any violation of this agreement can result in my immediate dismissal from HCAA membership and be subject to possible legal action.
HCAA is a non-profit volunteer 501(c)(3) organization serving seven counties: Kerr, Kimble, Kendall, Gillespie, Bandera, Real, and Edwards.
The HCAA is thankful to the many landowners who graciously allow us to survey their property for archeological sites. We adhere to the following:
All artifacts found on their property belong to them. HCAA members keep no artifacts.
If an archeological site is identified on their property, the ranch’s location should remain confidential.
- We visit a property only with the owner’s permission.
We do not hold a landowner liable for injuries that occur while on their property.
We encourage, and enjoy, the participation of the landowner in our activities.
- The HCAA offers its archeological activities as a community service.
Several members are Texas Archeological Stewards with the Texas Historical Commission. We also work with our local county Historical Commissions to study, document and record historic and prehistoric sites, cemeteries, people, and properties.
2024 HCAA Board
President & Treasurer
Trudy Eberhardt
Diane Dismukes
Park Smith
2024 At-Large Directors
Rick Barrier
Geoffrey Gannaway
Mike McBride, Past President
Don Priour
Richard Tomlinson
Françoise Wilson