Photo 1. Craig Mangham, Mike McBride, Marvin Gohlke, Kris Bobbitt, Jan Winzinger, Stephen Frank Binetti (not pictured), Stephen BishopPhoto 2. Mike McBride, left, and Marvin Gohlke in the 1 X 1 meter excavation test unit
HCAA offers a yearly training course for members in field and lab techniques. The five part course covers mapping techniques, lithic identification, excavation and lab training. This year’s class is pictured in photo one during the excavation training on a midden site in the Hill Country area. From left to right in photo one is Craig Mangham, Mike McBride, Marvin Gohlke, Kris Bobbitt, Jan Winzinger and Frank Binetti, not pictured, Stephen Bishop. The second photo is an up close of Mike McBride, left, and Marvin Gohlke in the 1 X 1 meter excavation test unit.