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2016 Pedernales Knap-In, April 7-10

posted in: Community News

Date: April 7-10, 2016

Location: Blanco County Fairgrounds in Johnson City, Texas

This is located on the north end of Johnson City, Texas, on the west side of U.S. Hwy 281, and on the south side of the Pedernales River.

The Pedernales Knap-In is open to the public at no charge. This is an excellent opportunity to observe the many different techniques for not only making of chert tools, but also to look at the piles of debitage. For those of you who are helping classify materials at our labs, this would be a great place to learn flake generation.

Best time to go would be on Friday and Saturday, as the event will be in full swing. Take a chair along and pull it up to a knapper and ask for some lessons. Knappers are always eager to teach their craft.
