Doors open at 12 noon with refreshments. Meeting begins at 1:00 pm.

The CWR site was first investigated by the Hill Country Archeological Association in July 2018 at the request of the owner of the private ranch containing the site. After surface traverses of the property were conducted, the HCAA team concluded that there were at least two archeological sites present, one a rock shelter, and two an occupation area with middens.

Controlled excavations of the occupation area started in December 2018 and began to reveal a rich assemblage of dart and arrow points as well as well-preserved animal remains including bison bone and teeth. Also unique to this site are trade items such as Caddo pottery and cultural obsidian flakes, both of which are not found native to Central Texas.

In August of 2019 an accidental discovery of a Paleo Indian point in the site led to the recovery of a total of 8 Paleo Indian points to date. The temporal span of these points ranges from at least the Middle to Late traditional Paleo Indian period. Because almost all of the Paleo Indian lithics have come from a relatively small area, the only one investigated thus far, it appears that the site may hold potential for additional and even older Paleo Indian materials.
Françoise Wilson – is a retired foreign language educator with Master’s Degrees in Comparative Linguistics and Foreign Language Education. She is a Texas Master Naturalist in the Hill Country Chapter, a Board Member of HCAA, a member of the Education Committee of the Texas Archeological Society, and the Principal Archaeologist at the CWR site.
Steve Stoutamire – is a retired petroleum geologist. He received a BA in Anthropology (1972) from Florida State University and an MS in Geology (1975) from Texas Tech University. Since retirement (2007) he has become an active avocational archeologist, regularly working to educate the public through archeological classes and lectures and working with private land owners to help them understand archeological sites on their property. He is a member, past president, and current field committee chairman of the Hill Country Archeological Association, a member of the Texas Archeology Society and a member of the Center For The Study Of First Americans. He serves as a director on the board of the Gault School of Archeological Research at the University of Texas, Austin as well as serving as a Texas Archeology Steward for the Texas Historical Commission.
Place: Union Church Building, 101 Travis St, Kerrville, TX 78028
This is at the intersection of Broadway, Travis Street, and Water Street. There is plenty of parking, and the larger space inside will accommodate everyone very comfortably.