Home » General Meetings » General Meeting, September 20, 2014 – Prehistoric Peoples of the Lower Pecos

General Meeting, September 20, 2014 – Prehistoric Peoples of the Lower Pecos

posted in: General Meetings

HCAA GENERAL MEETING, September 20, 2014, 12:30pm

Lecture Title: Rock Art and Sacred Contexts in the Lower Pecos

Speaker: Jeremy Freeman, Staff Archeologist, Shumla Archaeological Research & Education Center, Comstock, Texas

Location: Riverside Nature Center – 150 Francisco Lemos, Kerrville, Texas 78028


The Lower Pecos region of southwestern Texas retains hundreds of rock art sites dating from the Late Archaic through Contact periods. These sites represent a cultural system of inter-connected sites, a manifestation of the cosmology of the hunter-gatherer people that inhabited the region throughout prehistory. Embedded within these murals is significant cultural information that was disseminated to the members of prehistoric societies. Since 2009 Shumla Archaeological Research & Education Center has been documenting the rock art and working to identify patterns in the motifs. Aided by ethnographic analogy and modern technology patterns are beginning to emerge that are being used to interpret the underlying meaning and symbolism behind these prehistoric cosmologies. This lecture will include a discussion on the methods Shumla is using to unravel the mysteries of the rock art and current interpretations on the meaning underlying the imagery.


JFreeman95dpiJeremy received his B.A. from Heidelberg College in anthropology and his graduate studies at Ball State University in anthropology. He has worked as a professional archaeologist for over 14 years that includes work in cultural resource management, museums, and non-profit organizations. He has worked on archaeological projects throughout the Midwest, northeast, southeast, and southwestern United States. Jeremy has been actively engaged in public outreach through public archaeology programs and educational outreach, teaching school kids archaeological methods and material culture. Jeremy has taught collegiate level students in anthropology; these courses included: Introduction to Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, Physical Anthropology, Introduction to Archaeology, and Archaeology and Culture. Jeremy is currently a staff archaeologist at Shumla Archaeological Research & Education Center in Comstock, Texas where he has been involved in the Border Canyonlands Archaeological Project (BCAP). This long-term study focuses on the study and conservation of the rock art of the lower Pecos region. Jeremy also guides tours for the Rock Art Foundation and Seminole Canyon State Historic Park.