Home » General Meetings » HCAA GENERAL MEETING, Jan 16, 2016


posted in: General Meetings

Lecture Title: Archaeology Along the San Antonio Parks and Greenway Systems

Speaker: Antonia Figueroa, Project Archeologist, Center Archaeological Research


Riverside Nature Center – 150 Francisco Lemos, Kerrville, Texas 78028


As a part of efforts to develop San Antonio parks and Greenway systems, several new hike and bike trail systems have been recently installed throughout the City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. In 2014, the Center for Archaeological Research conducted several archaeological surveys associated with various waterways including Culebra Creek, Helotes Creek, Leon Creek, Olmos Creek and West Elm creeks. Even in cases where archaeological sites were not encountered or sites were considered ineligible for National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), archaeological surveys still contributed to our understanding of site distribution and resource utilization along creeks in South-Central Texas. The development of hike and bike systems by the City of San Antonio provides opportunity to document new cultural resources and add to our knowledge of the distribution of prehistoric sites.


AFigueroaMs. Figueroa has 20 years of experience in the field of archaeology. She has conducted an array of academic and CRM field work and research in Texas, Louisiana, Mexico and Belize. Ms. Figueroa has also taught courses in cultural anthropology and Mesoamerican archaeology at Our Lady of the Lake University. She joined the Center for Archaeological Research in 1997. Currently, she performs as a project archaeologist on field projects for the Center. Her research interests include the prehistory of Texas, Spanish colonialism in Texas and Mesoamerica, and Prehispanic Mesoamerica. Figueroa gained her M.A. in Anthropology 2001 at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Here Thesis was “Discerning Patterns of Prehispanic Land Management and Decision Making in Northwestern Belize: A Landscape Approach.”
