Home » General Meetings » HCAA GENERAL MEETING, July 16, 2016, 12:30 pm

HCAA GENERAL MEETING, July 16, 2016, 12:30 pm

posted in: General Meetings

Lecture Title: Reconstructing a 3,500 year old Environmental Record at Carnegie Canyon, Western Oklahoma

Speaker: Dr. Chris Lintz, Archeologist with Texas Parks and Wildlife

Location: Riverside Nature Center – 150 Francisco Lemos, Kerrville, Texas 78028


The title of the talk by Lintz will be, “Reconstructing a 3,500 year old Environmental Record at Carnegie Canyon, Western Oklahoma”. Proposed development of a Soil Conservation Service impoundment in Carnegie Canyon, Oklahoma, provided an opportunity to examine the archeological and past environmental record contained in a 33 foot deep earth-filled canyon in western Oklahoma during the early 1980’s. Although some Archaic through Historic archaeological remains were identified and excavated, the main scientific contribution from this project involves using diverse lines of evidence from soil horizons, snails, and a series of buried tree stumps to develop a model of past environmental conditions occurring in western Oklahoma. The presentation, accompanied by color slides, illustrates for field and analytical work how climatic conditions changed in western Oklahoma during the past 3,500 years.

Bio: Chris Lintz

Guest speaker will be Chris Lintz, PhD, of Austin Texas, who is newly retired from the  Wildlife Division of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. While there, he conducted and oversaw the cultural resource studies on 1,200 square miles in 51 Wildlife Management Areas across Texas and also conducted archeological studies for federally-funded wildlife habitat enhancement grants on private lands. He had conducted archeological projects in many, many states and Puerto Rico in his more than 50-year career. He graduated with a B.A. from Arizona State University, and earned MA and PhD degrees from the University of Oklahoma.

Following refreshments and artifact identification, the meeting will open at 1:00 p.m.

The public and guests are welcome and there is no charge. Membership in HCAA is encouraged.