Home » General Meetings » HCAA GENERAL MEETING, November 19, 2016, 12:30pm

HCAA GENERAL MEETING, November 19, 2016, 12:30pm

posted in: General Meetings


Speakers: Steve Stoutamire and other Hill Country Archeology Association Principal Investigators will review current and recent HCAA archeological site work

Location: Riverside Nature Center – 150 Francisco Lemos, Kerrville, Texas 78028


Steve will describe the training programs which the HCAA has for its members. He will also focus on the advanced training that members can receive in order to qualify as “principal archeologists” to be leaders for archeology field and lab work. Several HCAA members currently in the “PA” training program will present brief highlights of their training as well as the sites they have been assigned to work on.


Steve Stoutamire is a retired petroleum geologist with an MS in geology from Texas Tech University and a BA in Anthropology/ Archeology from Florida State University. Since retirement in 2007 he has devoted much of his time to the archeology of the hill country of Texas through both site work and public education of professional archeology standards and topics. He is a member, and past president, of the Hill Country Archeology Association (HCAA), member of the Texas Archeology Society and serves as a Texas Archeology Steward for the Texas Historical commission.