Home » Field Work » Kemosabe Project – February 2016

Kemosabe Project – February 2016

posted in: Field Work


KemosabeProject-2-10-2016 (2)
KemosabeProject-2-10-2016 (1)

Even cold, windy conditions at Kemosabe can’t stop the progress!!


Operations are continuing at the Kemosabe project. To date over 30 square meters of excavation units have been opened there as well as four back hoe trenches and 92 auger hole tests. Over 12 separate forms of diagnostic dart or arrow points found thus far date the site from lower early archaic to late pre-historic. The latest excavations have revealed several separate hearth features. These and others yet to be found will be examined for charcoal samples to use in radio carbon dating the stratigraphy/occupation surfaces. Select soil samples associated with the hearths are also being collected for flotation analysis to identify plants processed and eaten at the site.


Please come join in the fun and discoveries at this large prehistoric site complex! The HCAA crew is working in the lab and/or field weekly. Contact Kay Woodward or Steve Stoutamire for more information.