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News from Fieldwork, August 2015

posted in: Field Work

Kemosabe Project – August 2015

Unit excavation underway at Kemosabe with lithic material being recovered in good quantities. These HCAA personnel are sorting debitage and biface/uniface tools in a recent lab session.

Unit excavations have started on at the Kemosabe project. HCAA members are finding fire cracked rock, broken tools, bone, and many chert flakes in good quantities. The stone and bone artifacts found in the excavations are returned to the lab and the HCAA members sort, identify, and catalogue them. So far these artifacts are from early and middle Archaic time periods–7,000 to 3,000 years ago! Dart points discovered are used to determine time periods.

Please come join in the fun and discoveries at this large prehistoric site complex! The HCAA crew is working in the lab and/or field weekly. Contact Kay Woodward or Steve Stoutamire for more information.

