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News from Fieldwork – April 2015

posted in: Field Work


Kemosabe Project – April 2015

1 Trenching 4-19-15 Trenching operations have started on at the Kemosabe project. A large cooking oven area, called a burned rock midden, has been discovered. These are commonly also called “Indian Mounds” here in the hill country. During screening

KemosabeProject3 of soil from the trench HCAA members are finding fire cracked rock, broken tools, and many chert flakes. The chert flake debitage (=trash) was produced by prehistoric Indians while making stone tools and arrow points. The weather has been great and we would love to have more members assist in the screening in the coming weeks!!! It is rewarding and a lot of fun too!!! Come join us!!!


Surveys of New Archeology Sites– April 2015

z Artifacts from the Crain Ranch Arrow points in center from Hog Waller 3-12-2015  1569a Survey and recording of 10 new sites in Bandera, Kendall, Kerr, and Medina counties are under way on local property owners land. One owner in southern Medina county

Scallorn arrow point found by Louise Doyen at HCAA-ME-9-Hog Waller Site           3-12-2015  1588

has a site with dozens of points ranging

from Perdiz arrow points that may be only maybe 4 centuries old to many Middle Archaic point and tools like Kinney, Pedernales, Marshall, and Clear Fork Tools—3,000 to 4,500 year old.

